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The Bold Woman
A NEW FEMALE ARCHETYPE is emerging—that of the passionate pathfinder and committed activist. Jean Shinoda Bolen describes the rise of the bold woman in her new book, Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Every Woman. In Greek mythology, Artemis was a hunter with an unerring aim, known for helping the defenseless and punishing the cruel or unjust. Strong and self-sufficient, the goddess was an advocate for women and young girls. She was called on to ease the pain of childbirth. (The herb, Artemisia, used for this purpose, was
named for her.) As guardian of wilderness and
small animals, Artemis might be regarded as the first environmentalist. And, as Apollo’s twin, she valued egalitarian relationships with men.
Review of Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman, San Francisco. Conari Press, 2014. Read more in Jung Journal–Culture & Psyche